Author Archives: Chris Phethean

Data Science Champions Conference

Data Science Champions Conference A conference is being organised by the EU-funded EDISON project on the Data Science profession in Europe. This conference is being organised to address the urgent need to significantly increase the number of Data Science professionals in Europe. This conference is dedicated to inviting delegates who are leading practitioners and researchers in the […]

Data Science Story: Snips – Underground Location Tracking

One of our ambassadors, Dr Joseph Dureau of Snips, discusses a study that his organisation worked on related to utilising location in places where location tracking becomes very difficult e.g. on a metro. Using context awareness, a field within artificial intelligence, user locations can be tracked. A summary of the story can be found below […]

Enrol EDSA’s MOOC on Process Mining

The European Data Science Academy are due to launch the next course on the FutureLearn platform: Processing Mining with ProM on July 11th 2016. The course utilises the free and open source process mining framework (ProM) to analyse, visualise and manage a range of business processes. Process mining is a new and exciting field which […]

VideoLectures on Data Science Now Available

The EDSA project have started to collate videolectures on data science related topics in order to further data science learners’ knowledge in the respective fields. Videolectures will be collated on a monthly basis an distributed through The lectures are selected by the EDSA project partners based upon their relevance to data science education and training around the […]

EDSA Values

The European Data Science Academy has developed a series of core values associated with the project that enables learners, educators and trainers to increase their knowledge on the aims and practices of the EDSA project. The values will be utilised to develop and implement an EDSA course endorsement process, which will enable us to promote […]

What is a Data Scientist?

Last year the Open Data Institute (ODI), one of the key EDSA partners, launched the ‘Open Data Science‘ course, which is a key deliverable of the project. Dr Tarrant, trainer at the ODI, says that “A key aspect of data science is all about culture – about innovating openly and in a team environment. Individual organisations […]

The Big Data Dilemma

A report entitled: The Big Data Dilemma, launched by the Science and Technology Committee, contains many contributions from two of our key partners, the Open University (OU) and the Open Data Institute (ODI). The value of big data has brought with it many benefits, including increasing the GDP by 2.3%, but also many concerns regarding its […]

EDSA Announces New FutureLearn MOOC

The EDSA project are proud to announce that we have now launched the MOOC “Introduction to Linked Data and the Semantic Web”. Offered by the University of Southampton, the topic is becoming increasingly popular within the data science community. On this course you will learn the basics of Linked Data and the Semantic Web – exploring […]

From Bricks to Clicks Report Launch: Data and Analytics in HE

The Higher Education Commission is due to release a policy report titled: From Bricks to Clicks: the potential of data and analytics in higher education.  The report reviews the current data landscape across English higher education institutions; reviewing data collection and methods, learning analytics and the current barriers to developing data management and data analytics for the foreseeable future. […]

Prof John Domingue – The Impact of Learning Analytics

One of the members of our lead partner, Prof John Domingue, contributed to a report on the mass data monitoring of universities, through learning analytics, for increased student successes. John Domingue says more comprehensive use of learning analytics could indeed transform the sector. “Each week students are making moves as you make moves on a chess […]