The new EDSA project dashboard has been launched to visualise the data we are collecting on data science skills and training needs across the European Union. We need your help to complete the picture.
Powering the dashboard is data collected from a survey that we’re asking data practitioners across the EU to complete. We hope the dashboard will become an essential resource for policy makers, training providers and trainees alike to find out about current data science skills capability, demand and training offerings. By analysing this data, we hope to provide insights into the domain across countries and industry sectors. Select any EU country on the dashboard and see the data we’ve already collected on skills capability or demand in that location.
We’re also using the findings to shape the EDSA curriculum and training, which will in turn help to create a new generation of skilled data scientists ready to meet demand.
We need your help to create a clearer picture of demand and provide insights into data science in your industry and country. To participate in the survey and help us achieve this, please visit the EDSA dashboard.
Any data collected will be anonymised and aggregated before being made available under a Creative Commons license, so that it can be used by anyone to assess the European data science landscape.
The dashboard will be updated over the course of the project to analyse and display new sources of data as we add them to the demand analysis, allowing the creation of new visualisations and metrics to report on.
To hear the latest updates on the dashboard, and the EDSA project, follow us at @edsa_project