The EDSA web site is now available to the public. The web site will serve as the main online point of reference for the project. It will offer the latest news about the project, its objectives, details about its consortium and participating partners, as well as various outputs of the project, such as deliverables, publications, and more. The EDSA web site will also offer access to the online learning materials and courses developed by the project.
Additionally, the EDSA web site will be an integral part of the project’s dissemination strategy, which will target a wide range of communication channels, such as Twitter, LinkedIn, SlideShare, YouTube, Vimeo and other professional social networks. The web site will offer links to the dissemination channels used by the project. The content published in these channels will also be integrated in the project web site, including the latest tweets of the project’s Twitter account, published at least twice a week to disseminate the latest progress of the project. Other types of content integrated in the project web site from the project’s dissemination channels will include the latest instructional videos posted by project partners as part of their online and face-to-face training activities.