The European Data Science Academy are due to launch the next course on the FutureLearn platform: Processing Mining with ProM on July 11th 2016. The course utilises the free and open source process mining framework (ProM) to analyse, visualise and manage a range of business processes.
Process mining is a new and exciting field which combines business process management with data science.Using process mining techniques you can analyse and visualise business processes based on event data recorded in event logs.
Process mining provides a critical, process-centric perspective on data, which is not available with classical data mining or machine learning techniques.
The course is divided into four weeks:
Week 1 introduces process mining and shows. This week shows you how to translate event data that you might have for use in ProM. We also discuss event logging and how to filter the event log based on these insights for further analysis.
Week 2: looks at how to evaluate process models, and demonstrate various techniques to automatically learn process models from data.
Week 3: covers conformance checking, performance analysis and social network analysis in addition to the previous analyses in weeks 1 and 2. We will also be showing some process mining examples.
Week 4: allows you to review your progress on the course, and evaluate how much you have learnt by utilising the process mining software on real data.
You can enrol on the course through FutureLearn directly.