Category Archives: Events

Addressing the Big Data and Data Science Skills Gap at ICT2015

The session at ICT2015, Lisbon, was well attended with many attendees coming from industry and academia aiming to address this issue. Firstly, Gabriella Catteneo presented the International Data Corporation’s (IDC) results following a series of data collection methods. Gabriella stated that the data market spans an estimated 5 billion euros across the EU, 10% […]

ICT 2015 Networking Session: Addressing the Big Data and Data Science Skills Gap

EDSA is organising a Networking Session in ICT 2015, entitled: “Addressing the Big Data and Data Science Skills Gap”. The objective of this session is to generate an action plan for addressing the Big Data and Data Science skills gap by bringing together researchers and key industrial players. The session will be comprised of 3 talks representing the Market, Industry […]

EDSA organises the 5th ESWC Summer School

EDSA will organise this year’s ESWC Summer School in Crete from August 31st to September 5th 2015. The overall goal for this event is to provide intensive training and networking opportunities for the next EWC generation. In particular we wish to facilitate the creation of a new cohort of ESWC: Master’s, Ph.D. students and junior researchers […]

The European Data Science Academy has kicked-off!

The kick-off meeting of the European Data Science Academy (EDSA) took place last week in Luxembourg. EDSA is a flagship project for the EC with regards to bridging the gap in the demands for data science skills in Europe. Apart from the project partners, the meeting was attended by the Project Officer for EDSA Carola […]