The European Data Science Academy (EDSA) was an H2020 EU project that ran between February 2015 and January 2018. The objective of the EDSA project was to deliver the learning tools that are crucially needed to close the skill gap in Data Science in the EU.
In order to leverage the outcomes of the EDSA project, an Online Institute with the project outcomes has been created and will continue to be operated by the EDSA project partners: The Open University (UK), the University of Southampton (UK), the Institut Josef Stefan (Slovenia), the Fraunhofer Institut (Germany) KTH Royal Institute of Technology (Sweden), ideXlab (France), Persontyle Limited (UK), the Technische Universitaet Eindhoven (TU/e) (the Netherlands), the Open Date Institute LBG (ODI) (UK). Read more about joining the Online Institute »
The following EDSA resources are available to view and download for free:
The EDSA dashboard lets you explore the demand for data science skills and the supply of training. |
The EDSA courses portal aggregates data science courses based on the project’s curriculum. |
The EDSA deliverables and publications present the main outcomes of the project. |